Technical Assistance and Guides

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Manual provides policy guidance, interpretation of federal and state workforce laws, and procedural guidance to workforce development professionals. This manual is intended for use in conjunction with federal and state laws and regulations. **This version is the most current version of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Manual available. Archived versions may be obtained upon request from the TCSG Office of Workforce Development.

Workforce Implementation Guidance (WIG) Letters

The State Workforce Development Board authorizes the Office of Workforce Development to provide interpretive guidance and technical assistance to Georgia’s Local Workforce Development Areas regarding the implementation and administration of WIOA. WIGs shall serve a purpose similar to the Training and Employment Guidance Letters (TEGLs) and Training and Employment Notices (TENs) issued by USDOL. WIGs provide further guidance and clarity on ambiguous federal rules and/or regulations which govern the implementation of the State and local workforce service delivery systems.


**The following WIGs are currently active or revised (indicated by an “R”).**

Federal Resources

Connecting Talent with Opportunity